Membership Information

Individual Dues are $25.00 per year for Regular members and $20.00 per year for Associate members. For two (2) members residing at the same address, a joint membership of $35.00 Regular or $30.00 Associate is available.

Only one newsletter shall be sent per address. Individual Regular members are entitled to one (1) vote. Joint Regular members are entitled to two (2) votes.

Available for download (pdf format):

  • Membership application
  • Constitution and By-Laws

    (These forms can be opened and printed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free from Adobe's website in Macintosh and Windows versions. Please note that at least version 4.0 of the reader is required.)

  • The following excerpt from the MSCC's Constitution outlines the requirements for membership in the Miniature Schnauzer Club of Canada.



    Section 1. Eligibility. Membership shall be open to any person who subscribes to the objectives, intents and Code of Recommended Practices of the MSCC.

    Section 2. Classes of Membership.

    REGULAR membership shall be open to all eligible persons. A regular member shall have full privileges of the Club and shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to serve on committees and/or hold executive office. Regular members must be 18 years of age or older. Applications for Regular Membership must be signed by the applicant and by two sponsors who have been Regular Members of the Club for 3 consecutive years or longer, and must be accompanied by dues payment for the current or ensuing year. The applicant's name and sponsors will be published in the next Club newsletter. If no objections are received within 6 weeks of publication, the applicant will be automatically confirmed at the next Regular or Board meeting. If objections are received, the application will be presented at the next Regular meeting and a 2/3 majority vote will be required to accept the applicant. Any applicant denied regular membership may not be presented for reconsideration for 12 months. [Amendment #1]

    ASSOCIATE membership shall be open to all eligible persons of any age. Associate members will receive the Club newsletter, may attend meetings and participate in discussions and may take part in any Club activities or events, unless such events have been specifically closed to them. Associate members may not vote, hold office, or advertise themselves as MSCC members. Associate members do not require sponsors, but their signed application must be accompanied by dues payment for the current or ensuing year. The applicant's name will be published in the next Club newsletter. If no objections are received within 6 weeks, the applicant will be automatically confirmed at the next Regular or Board meeting. If objections are received, the application will be presented at the next Regular meeting and a 2/3 majority vote will be required to accept the applicant. Any applicant denied associate membership may not be presented for reconsideration for 12 months.

  • Current Membership list
  • MSCC Constitution
  • By-Laws
  • Code of Recommended Practices

    For more information about the club, contact a director in your area.

  • Updated Dec 9, 2023 - All rights reserved