

Head Office

Section 1. The Head Office of the Club will be in any place in Canada designated from time to time by the Board of Directors.


Fiscal Year

Section 1. The fiscal year end of the Club will be September 30 of each year.


Rules of Order

Section 1. Unless otherwise stipulated by these By-Laws, the business of the Club will be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order.



Section 1. Eligibility. Membership shall be open to any person who subscribes to the objectives, intents and Code of Recommended Practices of the MSCC.

Section 2. Classes of Membership.

  1. REGULAR membership shall be open to all eligible persons. A regular member shall have full privileges of the Club and shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to serve on committees and/or hold executive office. Regular members must be 18 years of age or older. Applications for Regular Membership must be signed by the applicant and by two sponsors who have been Regular Members of the Club for 3 consecutive years or longer, and must be accompanied by dues payment for the current or ensuing year. The applicant's name and sponsors will be published in the next Club newsletter. If no objections are received within 6 weeks of publication, the applicant will be automatically confirmed at the next Regular or Board meeting. If objections are received, the application will be presented at the next Regular meeting and a 2/3 majority vote will be required to accept the applicant. Any applicant denied regular membership may not be presented for reconsideration for 12 months. [Amendment #1]
  2. ASSOCIATE membership shall be open to all eligible persons of any age. Associate members will receive the Club newsletter, may attend meetings and participate in discussions and may take part in any Club activities or events, unless such events have been specifically closed to them. Associate members may not vote, hold office, or advertise themselves as MSCC members. Associate members do not require sponsors, but their signed application must be accompanied by dues payment for the current or ensuing year. The applicant's name will be published in the next Club newsletter. If no objections are received within 6 weeks, the applicant will be automatically confirmed at the next Regular or Board meeting. If objections are received, the application will be presented at the next Regular meeting and a 2/3 majority vote will be required to accept the applicant. Any applicant denied associate membership may not be presented for reconsideration for 12 months.
  3. LIFE membership may be conferred upon any individual who has rendered valuable service to the Club. Such life membership shall be conferred by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership present and voting at a Special Meeting called for that purpose. A life member shall be exempt from paying dues and shall have all rights and privileges of regular membership.
  4. HONORARY Membership may be conferred upon any individual who has rendered valuable service to the Club or to the Miniature Schnauzer breed. Such Honorary membership shall be conferred by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership at a regular or Annual General Meeting. An Honorary member shall be exempt from payment of dues and ineligible to vote or serve on the executive, but shall otherwise have all rights and privileges of membership. Honorary membership shall expire at the end of each fiscal year, unless otherwise resolved by the Club.

Section 3. Membership dues

  1. The amounts of dues will be reviewed from time to time and set by 2/3 affirmative vote of members voting and present at an Annual General Meeting. The Club shall have the discretion to assess discounts or surcharges for any reason they feel warranted.
  2. The membership year shall commence October 1 of each year. Membership dues are payable on that date and memberships not renewed by December 31 shall be deemed lapsed and a new application shall be required to rejoin the Club.
  3. No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year.

Section 4. Termination of Membership.

  1. By resignation. Any member may resign their membership in the Club verbally at a meeting or by written notice to the Secretary. Such resignations shall be effective immediately. No refund of dues shall be accorded to any resigning member.
  2. By lapsing.
  3. By automatic termination. Any member who is found guilty of offenses under the Animal Pedigree Act, of cruelty to animals, or is suspended by the Canadian Kennel Club or American Kennel Club for like offenses shall have their membership automatically terminated subject to Board resolution.
  4. By expulsion. A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided for in Article X of the By-Laws.
  5. Termination of interest. The interest of any member in the property of the Club ceases with the termination of their membership.


Board of Directors and Officers

Section 1. The property and business of the Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer and not more than nine and not less than six other Directors.

Section 2. Regional representation. The Board must contain membership representation from at least three of the following five regions: Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairie Provinces, British Columbia. At all times, there must be a minimum of five members of the Board of Directors representing regions west of the Manitoba/Ontario border and a minimum of five members of the Board of Directors representing regions east of the Manitoba/Ontario border.

Section 3. Eligibility. Any Regular or Life member of the Club, in good standing, who is a resident of Canada, 18 years of age or over and a current member of the Canadian Kennel Club is eligible to be elected to the board.

Section 4. Term. The first Directors will be replaced by election in 1998. Henceforth, the Board of Directors will hold office for two years and until their successors are elected or appointed in their stead. All positions on the Board of Directors will be for the same two-year term. (All terms expire at the same time.)

Section 5. Remuneration. Directors and Officers shall not receive any remuneration for their services.

Section 6. Election. Election to the Board of Directors shall be as prescribed in Article IX of the By-Laws. Regional Directors will be elected by members in the region which they represent. Elections will be held each even numbered calendar year, commencing in 1998.

Section 7. Powers and Authority

  1. Expenditure of Funds. The directors shall have power to authorize expenditures on behalf of the Club and shall have the power to make expenditures for the purpose of furthering the objects of the Club. They shall not, however, have the authority to pledge the credit of the Club ( e.g. sign a loan) except when authorized by a 3/4 majority of the membership by written ballot.
  2. Agents. The Board may appoint such agents as it will deem necessary from time to time and such individuals will have such authority and will perform such duties as will be prescribed by the Board at the time of such appointment.
  3. Chapters. The Board shall have the authority to set policy for approving the establishment of regional Chapters and to regulate and supervise the activities of any such Chapters.
  4. Specialty shows and events. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to set policies governing the holding of Specialty Shows and any other organized events held under the auspices of the Club.
  5. Committees. Committees may be formed from time to time by resolution of the Board. Committees will have such powers granted by the Board as are necessary to the purpose of the Committee. The Board may dissolve a committee or remove members from a committee if necessary in order that the committee mandate be fulfilled.
  6. Donations. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to take such steps as they may deem requisite to enable the Club to receive donations and benefits for the purpose of furthering the objects of the Club.

Section 8. Removal from office.

  1. Resignation. Any Board member may resign their position on the Board by delivering a written resignation to any Director of the Club.
  2. Membership Termination. If a member of the Board allows their membership to lapse, or if the Director is disciplined and/or denied privileges of the Club or the Canadian Kennel Club, their removal from the Board of Directors shall be considered automatic.
  3. Special Meeting. A Director may be removed from office at a Special Meeting of the members called for that purpose, by a resolution passed by 2/3 of the members present and voting.

Section 9. Vacancies on the Board.

  1. If a member of the Board of Directors is unable to complete their term, for any reason whatsoever, the vacancy may be filled by appointment, subject to majority approval of the entire Board.
  2. Should more than 50% of positions on the Board of Directors be vacated prior to the end of the regular term of office, for any reason whatsoever, the Board will be suspended of all special powers and authorities usually granted it, except for the appointment of a Nominating Committee for the purpose of holding elections. Should such a suspension of authority occur during the last 6 months of the regular term of office, the election may be delayed to take place as regularly mandated. However, in the interim, all business of the Club must be conducted at Regular meetings.

Section 10. Officers and Duties. The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be members of the Board and shall be elected every two years at the Annual General Meeting.

  1. President. The President will be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. The President will preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors, at which he or she is in attendance, and will see that all orders and resolutions of the Board and Membership are carried into effect. The President will sign for all By-Laws and documents requiring signatures of the officers of the Club. If the President is unavailable to sign, then the Vice-President or any other officer or Director as appointed by the Board for that purpose, will sign all By-Laws and other documents requiring signatures for the Club. In most circumstances, the President will chair all meetings at which he or she is in attendance and will vote only in the case of a tie vote of the Board or Membership.
  2. Vice-President. The Vice-President will, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President and will perform other duties as will from time to time be imposed by the Board.
  3. Secretary. The Secretary will record all votes and minutes of meetings of the Board and Members in the books to be kept for that purpose. The Secretary will be responsible for notifying members of all meetings and will perform other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. If the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting, a recording person will be appointed to record all votes and minutes of all proceedings and return, to the Secretary, a detailed account of the meeting for entry into the books belonging to the Club. The Secretary shall be custodian of the seal of the corporation, which he/she shall deliver only when authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors to do so, and to such person or persons as may be named in the resolution.
  4. Treasurer. The Treasurer will have the custody of the Club's funds and Securities and will keep a full and accurate account of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the Club in the books belonging to the Club. He or she will deposit all monies in the name and to the credit of the Club in a chartered bank or trust company depositories, as may be designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer will disburse the funds of the Club as may be directed by the Board, receiving proper vouchers for such disbursements, and will submit to the Board, upon request, an accounting of all the transactions and a financial statement of the Club. The Treasurer will submit an audited financial report at the Annual General Meeting. This individual will also perform other duties from time to time as may be directed by the Board.

Section 11. Area Regional Directors. These Directors, elected by members in their region, will act as area representatives of the Club to further the interest of the Club in their respective region. Regional Directors will endeavor to hold at least one regular meeting in their region during their term, and in the absence of the President or Vice-President at such a meeting, will customarily take the role of Chairman. Regional Directors will also perform other duties as may be directed by the Board.

Section 12. Directors at Large. Any Board member not specifically elected as an Officer or Area Regional Director shall be considered a Director at Large and shall perform any duties as may be directed by the Board.



Section 1. Composition and powers. Committees may be formed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. The committee members will not receive any remuneration. Each Committee will select a Chairperson from amongst themselves. The Chairperson will be responsible for organizing committee activities and for reporting to the Board of Directors, but will have no other special status. Committees will have such powers granted by the Board as are necessary to the purpose of the Committee. The Board of Directors may dissolve a Committee or remove members from a Committee if necessary in order that the mandate be fulfilled. There are two types of Committees:

  1. Standing Committees; may be formed when the nature of the Committee's mandate will be ongoing for an indefinite period of time. The Chairperson may be changed as directed by the Board or as decided by the Committee members. Standing Committees may be dissolved by a resolution of the Board of Directors if or when their purpose has been completed or is no longer relevant.
  2. Ad Hoc Committees; may be formed from time to time when the nature of the Committee's mandate will be a specific short term assignment.



Section 1. The members shall, at each Annual Meeting, appoint an auditor to audit the accounts of the MSCC for report to the members at the next Annual Meeting. The auditor may be a member of the Club but shall not be a director or officer of the Club unless approved by 100% of voting members.



Section 1. Notice. Notice of meetings may be sent by mail and/or electronic communications so long as that notice is given within the required time frame. Notice of special business shall contain enough information to allow the member to make a reasoned decision.

Section 2. Types of meetings

  1. Board Meetings; may be held at any time and place, provided that at least 5 days notice is given each Director (14 days if notice is given by mail). No formal notice will be necessary if all Directors are present or waive notice. A quorum for a meeting of the Board will be five Directors. The business of the Board, including voting, may be conducted by mail, fax, e-mail, telephone or other modern communications (as they become available), provided that all Directors are polled and all details of such votes are recorded by the Secretary.
  2. Regular Meetings; A Regular meeting of members shall be called by the Secretary upon request of the President or Vice-President. 21 days notice must be given each member of the Club. The Club must hold a minimum of two Regular Meetings each fiscal year with at least one meeting held on each side of the Ontario/Manitoba border. Quorum at a Regular Meeting shall be established according to the current membership demographics of the region in which it is held. One member of the Board of Directors plus a minimum of 10% of membership in that region shall constitute a quorum so long as a minimum of five members in good standing are in attendance. (Members need not be residents of that region to qualify for quorum).
  3. Annual General Meeting; The Club shall hold its Annual General Meeting in Canada in the month of October at such time, date and place as determined by the Board. Notice of time and place shall be given by the Secretary to each member 30 days before the date fixed. A total of 10% of the total voting membership of the Club, including a minimum of two members of the Board of Directors, shall constitute a quorum at an Annual General Meeting.
  4. Special Meeting; Upon request of the President, Vice-President or written request of 15% of the total voting membership of the Club the Secretary must call a Special meeting. The meeting shall be held within 60 days of receipt of the request. Notice of time and place of such a Special Meeting and reasons thereof shall be given by the Secretary to each voting member not less than 21 days before the date fixed. 10% of the total voting membership of the Club, including a minimum of two members of the Board of Directors, shall constitute a quorum at a Special Meeting.

Section 3. Voting

  1. With the exception of authorized balloting of the members, all voting at members' meetings shall be limited to members present at the meeting. Each voting member present is entitled to one vote per motion.
  2. Voting for election of Officers and Directors, amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws, and changes to the Breed Standard shall be decided by written ballot, to be opened and counted at a meeting. Each ballot, whether cast by mail or otherwise delivered, shall remain sealed in its verifiable envelope until the time of counting. Each voting member is entitled to one ballot.
  3. The Club, by resolution, may submit other questions for the decision of the members by ballot. All such ballots must be signed, and may include comments. Ballots may be returned by mail or electronic means so long as the Secretary is able to verify authenticity. The results of any such balloting will be entered into the records at the next Regular meeting of the members. Each voting member is entitled to one ballot.
  4. Voting by proxy is not allowed.
  5. Each member of the Board of Directors is entitled to one vote per motion. The chairperson shall not exercise his or her vote, except in the event of a tie.

Section 4. Order of Business. The order of business at meetings of the Club, as far as the character and nature of the meeting allow, will be as follows:

  1. Identification of members and guests
  2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
  3. Correspondence
  4. Financial report
  5. Reports of Directors and Committees
  6. Elections (when applicable)
  7. Unfinished business
  8. New business
  9. Date and place of next meeting
  10. Adjournment

Section 5. Guests. Guests are welcome at all meetings, unless otherwise specified, but only members may vote. Guests of members may, at the discretion of the Chair, address the meeting and let their views be known.



Section 1. Elections to the Board of Directors are to be held bi-annually (except in case of early dissolution under Article V, Section 9 a).

Section 2. Nominations

  1. No later than the month of April of an election year, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of a member of the Board and two regular voting members. Within 30 days, the Nominating Committee will send nomination forms to all voting members.
  2. The Nominating Committee will receive nominations, on the form provided, or any reasonable facsimile thereof. Each nomination must be signed by two voting members in good standing and endorsed by the nominee signifying his or her willingness to stand. No member may stand for more than one position on the Board of Directors in a single election. Once submitted, a nomination may only be withdrawn by a written request from the nominee.
  3. The Nominating Committee will review the nominations received as of the end of June, and determine whether or not there are sufficient nominees to fill the required positions. The Nominating Committee may then propose additional nominations as required to insure that there is at least one candidate for each office. During this time, the committee will continue to receive any and all nominations submitted by the membership.
  4. Nominations will close on the last day of July. During the month of August, the Committee will prepare a list of all candidates and the positions for which they are nominated. Where there is more that one nominee for any given position, the Committee will also prepare ballots as required, and forward these to the Secretary in a timely manner for distribution to the membership.

Section 3. Election

  1. In the event that more than one person has been nominated for office, or more than the maximum directors nominated for the Board, the Secretary shall circulate a ballot on each contested position to each voting member by mail, at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. In the case of Regional Directors, only the members in the region which the Director is to represent will be balloted. All voting members will be balloted for the positions of Officers and Directors at Large.
  2. Each position on the Board shall be decided by a majority vote, balloted as outlined in Article VIII, Section 3 (b), and counted at the Annual General meeting.
  3. In the event that only one nomination has been received by the Club, the nominees in those positions will be declared acclaimed.



Section 1. Any member who is found guilty of contravening the Animal Pedigree Act, of cruelty to animals or who is suspended by the Canadian Kennel Club or American Kennel Club for like offenses shall have their membership terminated automatically by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Charges. Any member may bring charges against another member for alleged conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the breed or the Club. Written charges must be presented to the Secretary together with the required deposit.

  1. If the Board does not find that the charges allege conduct which would be prejudicial to the breed or the Club, it may refuse jurisdiction and the deposit will be forfeited.
  2. If the Board entertains jurisdiction of the charges, it shall fix a date of Hearing by a Discipline Committee of not less than three regular members of the Club. The Board will ensure that any such Committee members are seen to be able to judge the matter before them without prejudice or conflict of interest.
  3. The member charged will be served notice of the alleged charges by registered mail. The Discipline Hearing shall be scheduled not less than 30 days and not more than 90 days after notice. Reasonable efforts shall be made to select a date and location for such a hearing to give the member charged proper opportunity to attend in person, send an authorized representative or submit a written defense.
  4. Should the charged member refuse or fail to enter a defense, the Discipline Committee shall have the authority to proceed in their absence.
  5. After all submissions have been reviewed, the Discipline Committee shall have the authority to dismiss the charges, in which case the complainant's deposit will be forfeited to the Club; or to uphold the charges, in which case the deposit will be returned.
  6. If charges are upheld, the Discipline Committee may order a published reprimand, suspend the defendant from the privileges of the Club for a period of up to 6 months, or if it deems that punishment insufficient, recommend the member's expulsion to the Board.

Section 3. Expulsion of Members

  1. A recommendation for expulsion may be made only by the Discipline Committee after a hearing called for that purpose. The Committee shall report their recommendation to the Board who shall review the submissions gathered. A 3/4 majority resolution by the entire Board shall be required to expel a member. The Board may decline to endorse the recommendation and order a published reprimand or suspension of up to 6 months in its stead.
  2. Any member expelled from the Club shall be ineligible to re-apply for membership for 5 years.

Section 4. Appeals, A disciplined or expelled member shall be entitled to one appeal to the Board of Directors. Any such appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary not more than 21 days after notification of the decision of the Discipline Committee. A 3/4 majority vote of the entire Board of Directors shall be required to revoke or amend any terms of disciplinary action. Should the Board decline to uphold the appeal, the matter shall be considered final.

Section 5. Deposit. The amount of deposit required to bring charges against a member shall be set from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Section 6. Letters of Complaint

  1. Should the Club receive a letter of complaint about any member or potential member of the Club that requests no action, or falls outside the jurisdiction of the Club, the Secretary shall submit the information for consideration by the Board of Directors. The Board shall have jurisdiction to accept such correspondence as information to be retained in the files, to respond on behalf of the Club or to dismiss it.
  2. In all cases of complaint, the Secretary shall acknowledge receipt of the information to the complainant.


Code Of Recommended Practices (Code of Ethics)

Section 1. The Club shall encourage their members to conduct themselves according to a Code of Recommended Practices (Code of Ethics)  that sets guidelines for the responsible care, breeding, sale and exhibition of Miniature Schnauzers.

  1. Approval or revision of any such Code of Recommended Practices (Code of Ethics) shall be subject to 2/3 majority approval by ballot of the membership.
  2. Breaches of the Code of Recommended Practices (Code of Ethics) may result in disciplinary action by the Club.


Breed Standard

Section 1. No changes to the breed standard for the Miniature Schnauzer may be carried to the Canadian Kennel Club without prior approval of not less than 3/4 of the entire voting membership.



Section 1. The Club may be disbanded at any time by the written consent of not less than 3/4 of the entire voting membership in good standing.

Section 2. After payment of all debts of the Club, any assets owned by the Club will be donated to a non-profit organization devoted to the interests of the Miniature Schnauzer. Choice of such organization to be decided by majority vote of the members at time of dissolution.



Section 1. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Club may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members, by official ballot as outlined in Article VIII Section 3(b) of these By-Laws. No proposed amendment will be enacted unless a copy thereof has been delivered to the Secretary at least 60 days prior to that meeting and a copy thereof mailed, together with an official ballot, to each voting member at least 30 days prior to the date of such meeting.

Section 2. No repeal or amendment shall be enacted until it has received the approval of the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology.



Section 1. Nothing herein contained will be construed to make this Club a partnership or to make any member of this club in any way responsible or liable under partnership law for the acts, debts, defaults or liabilities of any other member.


Repeal of Previous Constitution

Section 1. The Constitution of the Club dated October 22, 1995 is repealed.

Enacted and passed by the members as of April 26, 1998.


Amendment #1

To Article IV, Section 2, Classes of Membership.

  1. REGULAR membership shall be open to all eligible persons. A regular member shall have full privileges of the Club and shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to serve on committees and/or hold executive office. Regular members must be 18 years of age or older. Applications for Regular Membership must be signed by the applicant and by two sponsors who are regular members of the Club, and must be accompanied by dues payment for the current or ensuing year. The applicant's name and sponsors will be published in the next Club newsletter. If no objections are received within 6 weeks of publication, the applicant will be automatically confirmed at the next Regular or Board meeting. If objections are received, the application will be presented at the next Regular meeting and a 2/3 majority vote will be required to accept the applicant. Any applicant denied regular membership may not be presented for reconsideration for 12 months.

Is revised to read

  1. REGULAR membership shall be open to all eligible persons. A regular member shall have full privileges of the Club and shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to serve on committees and/or hold executive office. Regular members must be 18 years of age or older. Applications for Regular Membership must be signed by the applicant and by two sponsors who have been Regular Members of the Club for 3 consecutive years or longer, and must be accompanied by dues payment for the current or ensuing year. The applicant's name and sponsors will be published in the next Club newsletter. If no objections are received within 6 weeks of publication, the applicant will be automatically confirmed at the next Regular or Board meeting. If objections are received, the application will be presented at the next Regular meeting and a 2/3 majority vote will be required to accept the applicant. Any applicant denied regular membership may not be presented for reconsideration for 12 months.

Passed by ballot of the membership on February 1, 2000 and granted consent by the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology on February 4, 2000.


Code of Recommended Practices

Updated August 1, 2005 - All rights reserved